Ubicación: Av. del Libertador 8635 CABA
El arte de asender no consiste en no caer, sino en no permanecer caído.

    El arte de asender no consiste en no caer, sino en no permanecer caído.

      Donation Forms

      Forms With Various Styles

      Raise Your Hand To The Poor Children Education For Better Future Life

      There is no better way than to donate your time to the education of impoverished children. Many children NGOs are also providing tuition for them where you can volunteer or donate money.


      Your gift could provide a family with:

      There is no better way than to donate your time to the education of impoverished children. Many children NGOs are also providing tuition for them where you can volunteer or donate money.

      • Hygiene & household essentials
      • Food for a family
      • Telehealth & pharmacy services
      • Getting the education
      • Hygiene & household essentials
      • Food for a family
      • Telehealth & pharmacy services
      • Getting the education
      • Hygiene & household essentials
      • Food for a family
      • Telehealth & pharmacy services
      • Getting the education